The newly developed news and events portal for the catholic youth in Bistum Görlitz unites the range of activities from Jugendseelsorge in Bistum Görlitz (youth pastoral care) and Bund der katholischen Jugend Sachsen/Brandenburg (Association of Catholic Youth in Saxony/Brandenburg).
Young Diocese Görlitz
Co-existence of two brands in a shared online portal.
»Junges Bistum Görlitz« can now adress the group of users and replaces the two old domains. The irritation of the user and search engine limitation through similar content is resolved. The two organizations want to be represented equally and by their own corporate appearance. Kollaborat established the co-existence through the use of typography, color scheme and graphic elements of both corporate designs to prevent a branding chaos. The outcome is a distinct profile with a clear visual and youthful language.

A design challenge was to create a balance between youthful freshness and required seriousness for the sponsors of the youth work. We found a way that lives up to claims of the organizations as well as the taste of the target group.
To improve the usage of the news and events portal for the users, the application to events can now be done online. Dates can be saved directly to the digital calendar and date suggestions are incorporated by the user himself. A new map shows the contact persons in the diocese, deanery and parochial. This option reduces the administration effort of the small team and leaves more time for working with the youth.
The user oriented design provides different access points and content, that is categorized by target groups and can be filtered by the type of information.

Project facts
Period: April – December 2014
Client: Jugendseelsorge und BDKJ im Bistum Görlitz, Cottbus
Industry: Religious education
Task: Conception and redesign of the website, improvement of usability, organization of a contest to integrate the youth into the working process, icons, interactive maps
Participation: Jakob Gleisberg, Jessica Chau